Manage the entire customer retail experience with Gather Survey

Increase visibility, customer loyalty and understand consumer sentiment to increase your store’s revenue.

GatherSurvey сorporate solutions designed for both online and in-store use

It is extremely important for retail brands to manage their online reputation:

0 x
3x increase in sales from brands that care about reputation.
customer reviews before purchasing the product.
customers still prefer to shop in-store.
consumers looking for a local business visit within 24 hours.

Increase local search and in-store traffic

Get ahead of your competition in local search and attract customers with accurate location listings, great reviews, and high star ratings.

Kiera Benitez

BB Agency,

As a fundamental element of our SEO strategy, GatherSurvey provides enormous value by providing local communities with accurate and timely information about nearby studios and alternative services. This helps keep members engaged and engaged, providing a competitive edge for now and in the coming months.

Gather surveys and use them to improve in-store customer interactions

Send automated surveys, understand and respond to customer feedback, improving in-store experience and customer communication.

Tune into social media to stay ahead of the latest retail trends

Listen to your customers’ interests and buying patterns to optimize everything from digital promotion to in-store displays.

Cormac Crawford

Research Manager

We really needed to understand our customers better, so we were looking for a solution where we could listen and respond to all customers to generate information for decision-making.

Centralize feedback at the store level

With our centralized dashboard, you can quickly track reputation, performance and customer sentiment both online and in-store.