A service that helps businesses communicate with customers.

A service that helps businesses communicate with customers.

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Are you struggling to get customer feedback on your products or services? You're not alone. Many satisfied customers don't leave feedback for three reasons:

They don't think about it

They don't realize how important it is to you

They don't know where to post it

But with Gather Survey, you can overcome these hurdles and increase the number of positive reviews you receive.

Our service allows you to send surveys to customers, collect feedback and analytics from various resources, and invite customers to leave reviews on the internet. With our feedback interception system, you can also intercept negative feedback before it becomes public and retain customers by redirecting them to your administrator.

Did you know that only 10% of companies monitor their online reputation on maps?

But the top search engines like Google, Tripadvisor, and Booking display a lot of positive feedback about businesses.

And 85% of potential customers choose a business from the top three search results.

At Gather Survey, we understand the importance of managing your online reputation. That’s why we intercept negative reviews and redirect the conversation to your administrator instead of asking the client to leave feedback on the search platform. This approach allows you to stay on top of negative situations, retain customers, and maintain a positive online presence. Contact us today to learn more about our reputation management services.

With Gather Survey’s analytics and reports, you can easily monitor customer conversions on search engines and social platforms at any time. Our service also provides valuable insights into changes in your rating and the number of reviews during the month. This information is critical for understanding customer behavior and improving your online reputation. Contact us today to learn more about our reputation management services and how we can help you succeed.

Transform your feedback management and boost your online reputation with Gather Survey.

Gather Survey – service will allow you to get more reviews on all search platforms: Google, Tripadvisor, Booking, Prom, OLX, Rozetka, and any other platform.